Nature at its Best
To get a picture of the original landscape of New Caledonia we leave Luci and Nouméa behind and explore the island’s interior. We hike to a plateau in the mountain range that runs from the top of the bottom of the mainland, like a spine. For centuries, tribes from the west coast climbed this trail to meet east coasters on the Plateau de Dogny. The flora in the rainforest is overwhelming – our camera is working overtime to photograph unusual trees and plants. Many occur only in New Caledonia. Since the island split off from the supercontinent Gondwana 80 million years ago, evolution has created many unique species of trees and plants here. In the Parc des Grandes Fougères (the park of the big ferns) we get pain in our necks from staring at gigantic tree ferns. We also learn that parts of this natural park are not original forests, but the result of an ambitious replanting project. In other words: this is how the raped nature elsewhere on the island can look like again!