Processing Kelp
A few days later, Processing Plant Manager Okke Meijer shows us the factory where the kelp will be processed. “We are just getting started”, Okke says and shows us how the freshly harvested kelp is finely ground in some kind of meat grinder. This is followed by a series setup of mixing-, homogenizing- and filtering machines. “Almost all appliances are standard and come from the food industry”, Okke explains. “We are busy adjusting the machines. The end goal is to concentrate the biostimulants as much as possible”, Okke clarifies at the final machine in the production line. “Naturally we want to transport as little water as possible in our end products”.
More is More
In the weekend, Kelp Blue organizes a barbecue for the whole team at a large, ocean-facing bay. Much to our delight, we are also invited. Over dinner, Daniel confides that the first major customer for biostimulants has already been contracted. He intends to attract more investors to finance his expansion plans. “More is more at Kelp Blue. The more acres of kelp forest we plant, the more we rewild the oceans, the more biodiversity we create, the more biostimulants we can make, the more CO2 we sequester, and the more jobs we create. The next step of scaling-up is to develop a suspension system for deeper water. And we are also working on the development of solar-powered automatic harvesters”, Daniel says. His plans sound grand and if the results from his pilot are a harbinger of what’s to come, they may well be accomplished.