Modern transportation for both goods and people is heavily (93%) dependent on petroleum-based fuels. Most planes, ships, cars, trucks and motorcycles use oil and their numbers are growing.
Oil is a fossil fuel and therefore a finite resource. We have already used most of the easily accessible reserves and are therefore increasingly dependent on more problematic sources such as oil from conflict regions, tar sands, deep sea and arctic oil. This exacerbates the negative environmental impact of the oil industry.
The other obvious reason why using fossil fuels in transportation is unsustainable, are the emissions when they are used. Transportation is responsible for around 26% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate disruption. According to the scientific consensus more than half of the total global proven oil reserves have to stay in the ground to stay within the 2 degrees temperature rise as agreed in the Paris Climate agreement. These reserves should therefore be considered stranded assets.
Health and safety is another issue for road transport. Accidents with heavy trucks on highways negatively impact safety for people in cars. Fossil fueled trucks, cars and motorcycles cause air pollution and negatively impact safety for pedestrians and bicycles.
The sustainable solutions we look for concentrate on avoidance of transport, low or zero footprint transportation alternatives, innovative use of renewable energy in vehicles, ways that optimize the existing infrastructures and initiatives that improve health and safety.
Below are our transportation solutions.

Solar Boat (GRC)
Has the future of motor boating arrived? After meeting both a prototype and a commercial solar boat we surely think so!

Fair Transport (PRT)
In Porto we moor next to Fair Transport’s sailing cargo vessel Tres Hombres. Their mission: to promote emission-free transport and to minimize transport.