Support Us
See the many ways in which you can get involved and support us:
Spread the Word
To accelerate the transition to a sustainable society we need all hands on deck! The more people get inspired by the sustainable solutions we describe and take the actions we propose, the sooner our mission is accomplished. So tell your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues about Sailors for Sustainability and get them on board!
Subscribe to Our Newsletter
To stay up to date on our journey and sustainable solutions, all you need to do is subscribe to our newsletter. You can do so by filling in your name and e-mail address in the footer of our website. If you are already subscribed, forward the newsletter to family, friends, and colleagues who might be interested in our travels and solutions.
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel
The more subscribers and views we have, the more people will find our inspiring videos! Head over to our YouTube Channel or click here to subscribe!
Like & Share
Like and share our posts on your timeline, retweet our tweets, like and share our LinkedIn posts and like our instagram pictures. All it takes is a quick click to spread our message to hundreds more people. More likes and shares also mean that our posts will rank higher on people's timelines and thus get more views.
Use Your Time & Network
Here are some ways in which you can help us with your time and network: Research solutions we could visit, connect us to your business relations and media contacts which might be interested in partnering with us. If you see opportunities to improve our website, articles and videos, do let us know. Or maybe you see other possibilities to assist? Don't be shy and get in touch.
Become Our Patron
On Patreon you can sign up to become our Patron! It's an easy way to show your support and help us finance our project. You can choose an amount you wish to donate per video we create (between $3 to $50). In exchange you'll get to see our videos first.
Donate to Our Foundation
We try to live a conscious lifestyle and participate in the giving and sharing economy as much as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot deny that sailing around the world costs money, even if done on a budget. Things break and need to be fixed or replaced, as every sailor has experienced. Insurance premiums, for the boat and us, need to be paid regularly. Add harbour fees, diesel (as little as possible), and food and you get an idea what we need just to get by from day to day. If we travel in the countries we visit, for example to visit sustainable solution projects, we'll also need to pay for transportation and lodging. For most if not all of the above, money in the local currency is often the only legal tender. See below how you can make a donation.
Become A Partner
We welcome sponsoring contributions from organisations and companies that share our values and aim to lead in the field of sustainability. Partnerships help us spread our message, inspire followers to make their daily lives more sustainable, and potentially bring about cooperation between our partners and sustainable projects. We offer different partnership levels. Please contact us for more information about partnerships.
We are grateful for all the support we receive, be it in the form of sharing our stories on social media, donating your time, sharing your knowledge, opening up your networks, providing hardware, services, or financial contributions. We cannot do this without you! Thank you for your involvement.
Sail with Us

Do you want to experience what it’s like to be a Sailor for Sustainability? Are you passionate about the earth, our society and the future? Then apply to sail with us for one or two weeks. You’ll be a full crew member (no sailing experience required), assist with research, planning, visits, articles, videos, social media, and fundraising. You may also develop and execute your own ideas that help us achieve our goals.
Applications are open for anyone aged 18 – 80, the timing is to be agreed. Your contribution to the costs are determined depending on experience, length of stay, and sailing area. Contact Us for additional information or an application.
Current partners
These are our current partners:
Boataround is a broker for yacht charters. We write blogs for their site and if you book a sailboat with them through us, you support our foundation!
Cox Zeiljachtexpertise, a sailing yacht survey agency helped us with technical advice and documentation.
Digital Assurance Group supports our project by promoting our sustainable solutions and events.
Ecostore is a New Zealand producer of eco-friendly personal care and cleaning products. They provided us with a full-range supply of marine products, such as boat cleaning products, dish washing liquid, laundry detergent, shampoo, body wash and toothpaste. We love that their products are plant-based and biodegradable, so we don’t pollute the ocean when we use them, and come in refillable and recyclable packaging.
Finch & Beak, a consultancy firm on effective corporate social responsibility, are helping us spread our stories through their newsletters.
Gaastra produces sailing clothes with a special focus on sustainability. They provided us with jackets, sweatshirts, and polo shirts.
Seajet, a paint company provided us with the newest generation of copper-free antifouling paint.
Super B, founded by our friend Prins Doornekamp, provided us with state-of-the-art lithium-ion battery packs (starter and service).
Tekstwerf, a team of Dutch copywriters, helps us by editing our Dutch sustainable solution articles.
Our sail and canvass supplier UK – De Vries Sails Enkhuizen, co-run by our friend Feitze Visser, gives regular advice and support, has taught us how to repair our sails, and has provided the logo for our canvass.
We regularly write for Dutch sailing magazine Zeilen and their online blog.