Two sailors in search of sustainable solutions

We bring you successful solutions to sustainability challenges. All over the world, we have documented practical ways to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Get inspired and learn what you can do to transition to a society in which we live in harmony with nature and each other!
We inspire people to change their habits by finding, documenting, and promoting sustainable solutions to social and environmental challenges all over the world. Together, we can change course in time! Learn more about…
Around the globe, dedicated people are working on inspiring solutions that pave the way to a sustainable society. See which ones we have documented (with articles and videos) and learn how they can help YOU make sustainable choices:
Our society and planet face numerous challenges, like climate disruption, inequality, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Yet we can tackle them! For some background information about these challenges and which solutions address them, go to:
Our Latest Sustainable Solutions

In the land of (over)consumption, we meet a mom who promotes minimalism. She explains how decluttering and buying less leads to more happiness.
In South Africa and Namibia, we learn about the importance of current and future sea forests. How can they help humanity become more sustainable?
In Suriname, we meet an organization that rescues wildlife. How does that does that help humanity's survival?
On Union Island, mangrove restoration has led to increased biodiversity, better coastal protection, and more economic activity.
In South Africa, we explore Ubuntu, which puts humanity and cooperation above selfishness. Could it address today’s social and ecological challenges?
The Aboriginals, the first Australians, survived on their continent for more than 60,000 years. What can we learn from them to live more sustainably?
What does it take to integrate sustainability in education? New Zealand’s Enviroschools are leading the way.
Waste does not exist in nature. Which circular materials can we use instead of plastic, so we can reduce human-produced waste?
Rooted in the Māori worldview, New Zealand granted rights to a nature reserve. How can this better protect nature and ultimately save us?
Can farming help to store carbon, increase biodiversity, and stop depleting natural resources? Yes! These regenerative farming pioneers show how.
We meet organisations that lead the way in reducing food waste and learn that all of us have a responsibility to tackle this global challenge.
We explore how the Kiwis make smart use of energy from the Earth and learn that we don’t need fossil fuel-based electricity at all.
We explore why tiny houses are so popular in New Zealand and learn that more personal freedom and reduced material and energy use go hand-in-hand.
In New Zealand we learn how seaweed can be used to improve soil biology, with significant environmental and economic benefits for all farm types.
In New Zealand’s cities we discover various ways of urban gardening and learn about the many benefits of growing food in cities.

We chronicle our sailing adventure and showcase the earth’s beauty through blogs and vlogs. Read and see more about different legs of our trip:
Thanks to our renovated classic sailboat Lucipara 2 we can circumnavigate the earth on wind power. Learn more about her:
Find out where our mission has taken us since we left Amsterdam in 2016, where we are we now, and where we plan to go next:
Our Latest Logbook Stories

We have an appointment in the Bahamas and little time to get there. Will we overcome the Bahamian Blues and still enjoy this unique country?
We visit the Dutch Caribbean Islands Sint Eustatius, Saba, and Sint Maarten. Will they make us feel at home in the tropics?
We visit many Caribbean Islands and find that although they’re all tropical paradises, their diversity and rich history define the area’s many sides.
We combine cruising with doing boat maintenance on the Caribbean islands of Tobago, Grenada, and Carriacou.
With a little help we reach Suriname. It’s lovely people, amazing wildlife, rich history, and cultural diversity make our stay truly stunning.
We visit Brazil again and sail its northern coast. But before we can explore a stunning island and fishing community, we must repair our mainsail.
On our passage from Namibia to Brazil, we grief over a lost sail, recover on exciting St Helena, and celebrate having sailed around the world.
We sail to Namibia and learn about the many benefits of Sea Forests. We switch from sea to sand to explore the vast Namibian desert.
We sail the South African coast and round the Cape of Good Hope. Our spirits are not only lifted when getting closer to home, but also by Ubuntu.
We deal with setbacks before exploring South Africa’s Imfolozi wildlife park. Our rewards come in the form of a unique experience and insight.
We are crossing the Indian Ocean from Cocos (Keeling) Islands to South Africa. Will we avoid storms and monster waves of the Agulhas current?
We sail to Australia’s Indian Ocean islands and learn that both wildlife and humans are threatened by plastic pollution and sea level rise.
We explore Australia and learn that there’s still hope for the Great Barrier Reef, especially if we apply the wisdom of the indigenous Aboriginals.
We sail to New Caledonia and find both a sacrifice zone and a tropical paradise. Could its future be a litmus test for the rest of the world?
After 17 months we leave Aotearoa New Zealand with pain on our hearts. But not without saying farewell to old and new friends.
We fight strong currents and winds to explore Stewart Island and wild Fiordland before completing our circumnavigation of New Zealand.
After almost a year, we’re sailing again. Via the Bay of Islands, we round the North Island and sail south in the wake of Dutch explorer Abel Tasman.
After exploring the fate of kauri trees and learning about enviroschools, our freedom is limited when Delta arrives. How long will the lockdown last?
We evaluate our options and decide to stay longer in New Zealand. Being stranded here turns out to be a blessing in disguise.
Bringing Luci back in shape takes more time and effort than we expected, but the result is well worth it.